Neoserra is a CRM tool designed specifically for non-profit economic development organizations. Neoserra helps you manage your organization’s relationships with clients and stakeholders. The goal is simple: build, grow and expand your community while measuring your impact. Neoserra tracks detailed demographic and economic information about your clients, and lets you record your one-on-one assistance and training efforts with these clients.

Powerful reporting, process automation and flexibility are some of the key ingredients that make Neoserra the preferred tool for many organizations.

Database administrators can manage their Neoserra database via the Configuration control panel. You can customize various settings in your database from making fields optional/mandatory to creating your own fields and your own custom selections. Create custom email templates that ensure that your message is conveyed consistently to all clients. The settings on this panel apply across your entire database.

Neoserra is tightly integrated with eCenter Direct, an optional client portal your clients can use to sign up for one-on-one counseling and training events. Neoserra and eCenter Direct help you automate the tasks you hate, allowing you to focus on the growth of your clients.
Additionally, Neoserra can be enhanced with the Bid Match module to help your clients locate government contract opportunities or with the Custom Forms module that lets you build your own custom interfaces to track any type of specialized assistance your program provides to your clients.

Easy to Use
Designed for economic development organizations from the ground up.

Real-time balanced dashboard showing your organizational performance.

Easily create compliance reports for you and your stakeholders.

Integrate with the rest of your enterprise.

Stay connected with your clients through integrated surveys.

Highly customizable allowing you to streamline the interface.